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8 posts tagged with "shipping"

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Changes and Future Plans Regarding Trump Tariffs

· 7 min read

Dear customers and collaborators,

Many of you are likely aware of the renewed trade war initiated by the Trump administration. Our business has been deeply impacted by the current U.S. trade policies, forcing us to make adjustments to maintain a (relatively) smooth operation. These changes primarily affect our U.S. and Canadian customers, as well as international customers who prefer their orders to be shipped from the U.S.

In this article, we will outline the current situation, detailing how U.S. trade policies are affecting our operations and the steps we are taking to mitigate these impacts to the best of our ability. Given the volatility of the current administration’s policies, we cannot guarantee long-term solutions, and all plans discussed here are tentative. They may or may not be implemented, depending on future developments. While we will try to provide updates, please understand that sudden policy changes may require us to adapt quickly.

Freight Update June 2024

· 5 min read

The following notice contains updates to existing pre-orders for the Amicus Kigu and/or William Pawb as of June 2024.

Hey everyone,

We're pleased to announce that a shipment is coming to our LA warehouse, carrying both new products and popular restocks. This ship is scheduled to arrive on June 30th. Please find more information below in this update.

Amicus Plush Shipping Announcement October 2023 - Shipping Date & Details

· 2 min read

Hey everyone,

Good news – we’re happy to announce that we’ve started shipping out the Amicus Plush! We’ll be sending out orders in the order they were received, but we have a heavy backlog since we’ll still be checking the quality of each plush ourselves as to avoid sending out any defective products.

For international orders as well as those who have ordered multiple items, there may be a slight delay in shipping as we get our bearings on a smooth fulfillment process. That said, customers from select regions should have received an email on October 2nd (or 3rd, depending on your time zone) detailing steps on how to expedite shipping. We highly recommend double-checking your email for a message from us if you haven’t done so already.

Updates Regarding International Pre-orders of Amicus Plush placed in May and June

· 5 min read

The following notice is relevant to international Amicus Plush pre-orders purchased in May and June 2023.

We regret to announce that due to an additional in-house quality inspection plan, international Amicus Plush pre-orders from May and June 2023 will be delayed. Although we aimed to ship out these orders in July, we now expect them to be fulfilled by the third or fourth week of August. We sincerely apologize for this delay and are diligently working to complete the process.

For transparency as usual, we'd like to provide more details about this change:

Changes to Our International Shipping with S.F. Express

· 6 min read

At Pawprint Press, we have always strived to provide the best service to our customers, including affordable and timely shipping. Until now, we have been using S.F. Express for our international shipping needs as it allowed us to offer significantly lower shipping costs to our customers. Direct shipping from the manufacturing country, predominantly China, allowed us to make savings of up to 50% for our European customers and as much as 80% for our customers in the Asia Pacific region compared to shipping from the US.

Moreover, we have occasionally used S.F. Express to ship to customers in the Americas to reduce freight time and cost, which in turn helped us keep a lower retail price on some of our products. Since 2023, we have been fulfilling most products from our own facility in California with DHL, UPS, and USPS. However, we retained the use of S.F. Express for some products to enable our customers, particularly those residing overseas, to benefit from cost and time savings.

Despite these advantages, we have recently taken the difficult decision to discontinue our cooperation with S.F. Express. The primary reasons driving this decision are concerns around customer service quality, handling practice, and privacy. In keeping with our tradition of transparency, we are providing detailed explanations in this article about our concerns and the effects stemming from our decision to discontinue cooperation with S.F. Express.

U.S. Domestic Shipping Plans in 2023

· 2 min read

As we enter our fourth year of operation in the U.S., we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for your continuous support. We couldn't have made it this far without your loyalty and patronage, and we look forward to providing even better products and services in the years to come.